About e-VTOL // Nano Diamond Batteries // Uses of e-VTOL

About e-VTOL

Context: About e-VTOL  A subsidiary of Indian engineering giant L&T will develop an e-VTOL (Electric vertical take-off and landing) air taxi jointly with Texas-based aerospace company, Jaunt Air Mobility.

  • Last month Union Aviation minister J M Scindia invited e-VTOL manufacturers to come to India to set up manufacturing units in India and start services here. e-VTOL is one of the newer technologies and developments in the aerospace industry.About e-VTOL // Nano Diamond Batteries // Uses of e-VTOL

About e-VTOL

What it is?

  • Its acronym is “Electric vertical take-off and landing.
  • It uses electric power to hover, take off, and land vertically.
  • Some might call it “flying cars” but they are actually electric helicopters.
  • It works in dual mode i.e., while landing and take off it acts as a helicopter whereas in flying mode it acts as aircraft.

Technology used: It uses distributed electric propulsion technology. This technology is based on the premise that closely integrating the propulsion system with the airframe and distributing multiple motors across the wing will increase efficiency, lower operating costs, and increase safety.

About e-VTOL // Nano Diamond Batteries // Uses of e-VTOL

Difference between normal aircraft & e-VTOL- is that in normal aircraft it requires a runaway whereas in e-VTOL it doesot require any runaway.

About e-VTOL

How does e-VTOL work?

  • e-VTOL aircraft are powered by an electric form of propulsion.

There are three different methods that e-VTOLs operate.

  1. Tilt-Thrust Method- In this method the propellers can change position from providing all the lift necessary to get the aircraft aloft to a forward-facing position. This generates propulsion, while more traditional wings provide lift.
  2. Lift & Cruise Method- In this method sevral propulsion provide lift like a helicopter, while a second fixed motor provides forward propulsion.
  3. Multirotor system- it works like DJI drones that you might fly around your neighborhood, with multiple fixed rotors providing both upward lift and forward thrust by tilting the vehicle forward.
  • All these methods have pluses and minuses, but tilt-thrust is the more popular option by eVTOL firms developing vehicles for moving passengers and cargo over long distances.

Uses of e-VTOL

  • They could be used to move passengers and cargo around and between cities; by police, fire, or a wide range of military and scientific applications.
  • They are more cheaper and greener than traditional helicopters.

How fast can it go?

  • Although there are many factors that control the speed but usually an e-VTOl can achieve speed up to 150-200 miles per hour.

Roles of e-VTOL

  • The roles e-VTOLs depends on battery technology and the limits of onboard electric power. Power is required during the key phases of flight such as take-off, landing and flight (especially in high wind conditions).
  • There is also the important factor of weight.
  • Batteries: A variety of Lithium-ion batteries, Nano Diamond Batteries are being looked at. Some industry experts questioning the use of only batteries and are looking at hybrid technologies such as hydrogen cells and batteries depending on the flight mission. There is even one that uses a gas-powered generator that powers a small aircraft engine, in turn charging the battery system.

    About e-VTOL

Nano Diamond Batteries


·        NDB or Nano Diamond Battery is an innovative energy generator and storage that redefines and revolutionizes the battery as we know it.

·        Its long-lasting properties and longevity are ensured by converting the radioactive decay energy from nuclear waste into energy.

·        The self-charging battery produces stable power by converting the energy released from radioactive decay into usable energy throughout its lifetime, which is generally many years.

·        Nuclear batteries have been around for some time, but they are limited to low-power applications due to their efficiency.

·        NDB optimizes this technology for high-power applications. We propose to reuse nuclear fuel by recycling it to extract radioisotopes.


NDB vs Standard Batteries

·        NDB generates electricity similar to a solar cell but using radiation from radioactive decay instead of sunlight. It would be possible also to store the energy from the radiation.

·        The NDB battery generally consists of three main components: isotope, transducer, and storage unit.

·        The isotope decays and emits radiation which converts into electricity in the transducer. The storage unit stores the excess energy for future usage.

·        Where a chemical battery needs external power to recharge it, NDB is an independent power source in itself.

·        Depending on its capacity, the chemical battery can only contain a certain amount of energy. In contrast, an NDB can provide energy until the end of its used isotopic lifetime.

Significance of e-VTOL

  • It opens up new possibilities which aircraft with engines cannot carry out in areas such as manoeuvrability, efficiency and even from the environmental point of view.
  • These use cameras, radar, GPS (global positioning system) and infrared scanners which makes it multi-tasking and efficient.
  • It is pitched as a cost-comparable replacement for short-range urban transportation based on a fan-run tilt-wing design. Prototypes made test flights.
  • Although these advanced e-VTOL vehicles under development still need access to fuel (hybrid) and/or electric charging capability, they can take off and land from almost anywhere.
  • e-VTOLs are noise free, have a zero-carbon footprint and are more affordable.

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Challenges to e-VTOL

  • The technology’s usage will require very stringent checks and certification requirements.
  • As the technology so far is a mix of unpiloted and piloted aircraft, the areas in focus include crash prevention systems.
  • Ensuring safety in case of powerplant or rotor failure.
  • Aircraft protection from cyberattacks is another area of focus.
  • Navigation and flight safety and the use of technology when operating in difficult terrain, unsafe operating environments, and also bad weather.
  • There are psychological barriers that need to be overcome when it comes to flying in a fully autonomous aircraft.

About e-VTOL

Applications of e-VTOL

  • With the increasing popularity of small, unmanned aircraft vehicles (UAVs) or drones, many companies today are focusing on the development of passenger UAVs designed to accommodate up to five passengers or equivalent cargo payload.
  • Many such configurations are electric or hybrid-electric designs with VTOL capabilities.
  • Such revolutionary vehicles could be in commercial operations by 2030.
  • These e-VTOL systems could be ready for selected Public Services missions even sooner.
  • Although these advanced e-VTOL vehicles under development still need access to fuel (hybrid) and/or electric charging capability, they can take off and land from almost anywhere. Therefore, such vehicles, both manned and unmanned can be successfully integrated for the critical missions of the Public Services with extra deployment flexibilities.
  • e-VTOL vehicles could be deployed for Public Services sooner than air taxi or other commercial applications, since Public Services missions may be more easily approved based on specific mission criteria, localised airworthiness authority for public use aircraft, and are normally operating under centralised airspace management and control by the theatre command.

About e-VTOL

Way Ahead

  • Regulatory authorities in India should look at:
  • Formulating regulations for pilotless vehicles, airworthiness certifications, and the need for a pilot’s licence.
  • Implementing efficient energy management systems, onboard sensors, collision detection systems and advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence.
  • Having in place infrastructural support such as take-off and landing zones, parking lots, charging stations and what are called vertiports.
  • Creating a robust air traffic management system that is integrated with other modes of transportation and putting in place a database to ensure operational and mechanical safety.
  • There are psychological barriers that need to be overcome when it comes to flying in a fully autonomous aircraft. Therefore, there needs to be a document that outlines compliance for eVTOLs.
  • Also aligns frameworks to meet the standards adopted in commercial aviation, especially when it comes to safety.

Source- The Hindu, Wired.co.uk, NASA & nbd.technology                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                RELATED LINK

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